in any case, i tried it and loved how it tasted. i didn't use any honey or maple syrup when i was sick, but since getting better i've actually been drinking it (making it with bubbly water and a little bit of syrup) as a refreshing healthy soda pop.
over the weekend a few of my friends came down with upper respiratory sickies so i thought i would post the recipe here for anyone that might want it. i make no promises and you may hate how it tastes, but it's worth a try, no?
Start with a metal (plastic is okay too, but won’t stay warm as long) 16-20 oz. travel coffee & tea mug/tumbler, the tea will last all day and stay hot longer this way. i used a thermos:
1. squeeze 2-4 oz. of fresh (organic if possible, definitely not bottles) lemon juice into travel-mug/thermos
2. add 1-2 tsp. of freshly grated ginger root
3. add 20 drops of G.S.E. (grapefruit seed extract) - comes in a little white eye-droplet looking bottle)
4. add as much powdered cayenne (red) pepper (i used 1/4 tsp. while sick and an 1/8 for my "soda") as you like
5. boil 12-16 oz. of fresh spring water, allow to cool (only slightly) so it doesn't scald & kill some of the organic, fresh ingredients of this brew, pour hot (not boiling) water into mug, fill nearly to the top
6. add a touch of (raw organic) honey or syrup (for flavor) to taste
7. add additional cayenne & G.S.E. if you can tolerate it spicier and more bitter. these two ingredients, are great for fighting illness. the cayenne and citrus create an infertile environment for bacteria or viruses to live in your throat, sinuses, and chest.
when you are really sick (cold, sore throat, flu-like-symptoms) you should drink this for 2-3 days. i made the tea in the morning and only drank part of it. i let the rest sit and concentrate throughout the day and later added more hot water for another serving.
go ahead and play with the amounts of each ingredient to get the best taste for you!
here's to stayin' healthy!
Whoooo hoooooo thanks!! :)
Thanks for posting this. I envision a trip to the health food store this afternoon to get some of that grapefruit extract stuff. never seen it. But I will find it. I'm not sick now but I'm all about prevention so this tea sounds like something I'll be incorporating into my routine. :)
Years ago when I had a bad cold, etc., jerome's parents (all english) made me some potion and it was VERY similiar to this! Good stuff! :)
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